Thursday, March 7, 2013

BAO games #2 vs Space Wolves

I thought about writing up long winded battle reports for all of my games, but realizing I dont have pictures and how much tiem it will take to get everythign right, I will summarize and get in the key points of each one.

Game #2 vs Space Wolves

Matt Bess was my #2 opponent and a very good friend of mine.  He is also a fellow Sac City Punisher and rode up with me for the tournament.  This was his first big GT level event, but Matt is no slouch at 40k and is very skilled.  I actually have never beaten him in a tournament setting.... yet!

Matt's list was as followed:

Rune Priest, Combi- Melta, Termie Armor, Chooser, Jaws, Living Lightning
Wolf Lord, Talisman, TH/SS, Termie armor, EW thing, just a a bad ass

x10 Grey Hunters, x2 Plasma, Banner, Pod
x10 Grey Hunters, x2 Plasma, Banner, Pod
x10 Grey Hunters, x2 Plasma, Banner, Pod
x6 Grey Hunters, Melta, Banner, Pod

Dread, Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer, Pod
Dread, Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer, Pod
Dread, Multi-Melta, Heavy Flamer, Pod

Mission: Scouring- Primary
              Purge the Alien- Secondary
              All 3 Bonus- Tertiary

So a very good SW Drop Pod list.  The game was frickin bloody.  Highlights included his Wolf Lord and Grey Hunters destroying my Beasts in CC (Wolf Lord doubled out the Baron and a Flock) and I fled for the rest of the game until I went off the board.  One of his Dreads moved up next to my Guardians but could not flame as he could not see any of them, and couldnt charge as well.  He would however the following turn, and make it with a 9'' charge!  What actually won me the game was his 3rd Pod going in Difficult terrain and Wrecking itself and giving me First Blood and a Kill Point.  By the end of the game, I had ONE Warrior on a Scouring objective and my Night Spinner alive, 2 Guardians who rallied from CC and a Venom... Thats it!  He a had 3 Pods and a Dread alive.... THATS IT!  We tied on Killpoints 12-12.  I had Scouring, Warlord, Line Breaker, and First Blood.  This gave me a 7-2 Victory.  Without the tournament FAQ ruling that Pods Wreck if they fail their Difficult Terrain test, I would have lost.  Very close game against a very good friend and comeptitor. 

Dont feel too bad for him though!  He finished 8th overall and took home best Space Wolf Player!  Congrats man!

1 comment:

  1. Thats one damn bloody game but well done on your victory.
