Friday, November 30, 2012

Escalation League in Lodi and Twin-Linked Tourny this weekend!

So this weekend for me and my crew is chalked FULL of 40k.  I am looking forward to it.

First up is the last day of the Escalation League in Lodi, CA.  The tournament is being held at The Launchpad and put on a good buddy of mine Phil.  The guys at Central Valley Commanders have done a great job with that.

The torunament started at 500pts and is ending at 1250.  There is some stiff competition but I have managed to be undefeated thus far.  Two games at 1250 stand in my way at victory!  If I manage to win or tie my first game I will win the tournament. 

I am pitted against my very good friend Ray Barrera.  He is part of the CVC and is my partner in the Twin-Linked tournament on Sunday!  I have never managed to beat him in a game of 40k, which pisses me off to begin with, but I am confident in my abilities to beat him.  He will be playing his Chaos and I will be fielding my Dark Eldar.  I put the weeks next to the units so you can know how I escalated.  Hope it isn't too comfortable.

My list is as follows:

Haemonculus- 50 (Week 1)

x3 Wracks, Venom- 95 (Week 1)
x5 Wracks, Liqufyer, Raider, Dessies- 120 (Week 3)
x5 Wracks, Liqufyer, Raider, Dessies- 120 (Week 3)
x5 Warriors, Venom- 125 (Week 1)
x5 Warriors, Venom- 125 (Week 2)

Ravager, Nightshields- 115 (Week 1)
Ravager, Nightshields, Dessies- 115 (Week 1)
Ravager, Nightshields, Dessies- 115 (Week 2)

Farseer, Doom, Runes- 95 (Week 4)
x5 Dire Avengers- 60 (Week 4)
Nightspinner- 115 (Week 4)

I think it is pretty solid for an escalation league.  I know my buddy Ray is runnign Cultists and hides behind a Defense Line with a Quad-Gun, a Vindicator, some Oblits, and soem Havocs.  Usually we discuss what we are bringing, but he has been tight-lipped this week!  Get em!!!

So that takes care of Saturday, and on Sunday we have the bi-monthly Twin-Linked tournament which is a Doubles Tournament that is comped pretty heavily.  It makes for very interesting army lists and strategies used!  Me and my buddy Ray will be fresh off of our Championship bout to fight for the Championship in the Twin Linked!  We are currently down by only 1 point for the lead and this is the last Twin-linked for the year! 

A disclaimer about the Comp.  You and your partner must bring an HQ and atleast 1 Troop apiece.  Then your FOC is limited to 0-1 for Elites, Fast, and Heavy.  Troops is 1-3.  Each side has a 1000pts.  If you share the same codex no double entries besides Troops may be taken.  (EX: Two Space Wolf players may not have 2 Long Fang Packs)

This is the list we plan on bringing to the Twin-Linked:

Dark Eldar:

The Baron- 105

x5 Warriors, Blaster, Venom- 125
x5 Warriors, Blaster, Venom- 125
x20 Warriors, x2 Dark lances- 230

Voidraven Bomber, x4 Shatterfields, Nightshields, Flickerfields- 205

Defense Line, Quad Gun- 100


Farseer, Runes, Spear, Fortune- 103

x10 Wraithguard, Conceal- 396
x7 Jetbikes, x2 Cannons, Embolden, Spear- 205

x7 Warp Spiders, Exarch, x2 Spinners, Power Blades- 181

Night Spinner- 115

I really like our lists and thinkthey synergize very well.  We have no CC but our shooting is insane and we do have some tough troops which this Tournament emphasizes heavily. 

I am hoping to bring two Championships home this weekend!  Wish me luck and let me know what you think of the lists!


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

BAO Test Prep, List #2

Ok so I have decided to change my list... again. Yeah yeah yeah, I know, I do this quit a bit. I happen to rather like this list remendously and much more than any other the previous ones I have put up. So here it is:

The Baron- 105

x5 Warriors, Blaster, Venom- 125
x5 Warriors, Blaster, Venom- 125
x5 Warriors, Blaster, Venom- 125
x5 Warriors, Blaster, Venom- 125
x10 Warriors, Cannon- 100
x10 Warriors, Cannon- 100

Ravager, Nightshields- 115
Ravager, Nightshields- 115
Voidraven, x3 Shatterfields, Flickers- 185

Farseer, Doom, Runes, Spear- 98
x3 Jetbikes- 66
x6 Warp Spiders, Exarch w/ x2 Spinner- 149
Nightspinner- 115

Aegis Defense Line, Quad Gun- 100

So this list I feel is more balanced and can take on all comers. I thin Daemons and pods still give me fits, but with the extra bodies I feel I can take them on more effectively. I know Venoms will be the #1 target for most of my opponents and having extra Cannons vis the Warriors helps me fill their roll when they inevitably die.

I have 5 Relaible AT killers in the two Ravagers, the Voidraven, the Spiders, and the Quadgun. All Venoms have Blasters as backup, and the Nightspinner is always nice since it hits side armor all the time.

AI is covered with the Venoms and the Warrior squads. The Voidraven helps with its missiles and the Nightspinner denies cover to those who think they can hide from me.

Flyers can be taken down in 2 reliable ways and a possible third option when need be. The Voidraven is excellent with its 2 Str 9 AP 2 lances. Also, the Quad Gun. Warp Spiders work well in there too. 14 Str 6 shots is nothing to sneeze at.

With objectives I have 7 troops. 4 are very fragile, but I still have them and all it takes is one guy to capture the objective. The Jetbikes can strike anywhere on the board. The 10 man Warriors are solid from behind the Defense Line and the other can spread out and capture one by me if need be.

The list worked pretty well against Sirus Chappelle in a practice game. Unfortunately my play as General cost me the game, and not the models themselves. Deployment and not moving up my Warriors with the Farseer was my doom.

Let me know if you guys have any worries. I am scared of Flamer/Screamer Daemons but, I need to shoot squads dead and make sure my target priority is on point. Necron Airforce could be a concern, but I think I can still beat that with ease.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Multi-Layer Attacking... What's that?

Yeeman here to help you through a basic prinicple I have seen be key to 6th Edition:  Multi-Layer Attacking.  Some people will know what I am talking about as I have explained to them my philosophy.  Some people will just say that all I mean is building a balanced list.  Some people will say that they've been doing this forever.  Some will even say I'm full of crap!  Well you can Multi-Layer Attack with imbalanced lists, some may have been doing this forever, and I just might be full of crap!  These 5 layers below will make you successful however when you go abotu building your lists.  This is moe of a template and  guide to consider when you want to build a list that wants to be competitive.  So lets dive into it shall we?

1st Layer: Troops
So by now, we all know that 5 out of the 6 missions require some sort of objective.  Troops here is key.  No more 4th edition 2 troops lists with max everything else.  That just aint going to work.  You need to flood the field with troops.  If your troops are weak (Dark Eldar, Eldar, Tau) you need more than 3 and i would say atleast 4.  You can make cheap troops even though they are weak so you can afford to have more troops for less than most armies.  I know with my DE I usually have soem Venom squads and a 10 man Warrior squad or two.  If your troops are expensive, (Chaos Space Marines, Eldar, Necrons) you cant afford many troops, but you need to make them survivable.  Throwing 5 man Marines squads around or Necron Warrior squads is good, but havign 30 scoring bodies is not.  It does not mattyer if their in Land Raiders, Flyers, Foot or Rhinos.  You need more bodies!  Troops is the key to 6th and it is something that some people get, but lots do not.

2nd Layer:  Flyers
Not every army has flyers, I get that.  But every army has some sort of Flyer defense, and has units that make for a great defense against flyers.  These units usually put out high volume of medium-high strength shots thatr even if you only get one 6, you are still.  And remember, players need to choose whether to Evade BEFORE you roll to see if you Penetrate or Glance.  If they attempt to Evade after the roll has been made, they are cheating.  Rule of thumb, I always give a 4-5 second wait period to see if they say anything.  Then say, "I'm going to roll for Penetration now..."  If nothing comes from them, roll away!  Now some get angry when you Pen 3 times and Glance once and they now cannot Evade.

But, back to Fliers.  Fliers play an important roll in 6th.  Coming from reserve (now on a 3+!) they will get in.  Also, most fliers have very potent weaponry or hold key elements of our armies inside of them. They provide support for army and can reach across the battlefield.  Plus, all fliers have Skyfire so they can all kill other fliers as well.  All army builds need some sort of Flyer or Flyer defense.  Flyers are everywhere, prepare!

3rd Layer:  Deepstrikers
The third layer is deepstriking units.  So with the new DS Mishap chart, you can be more gutsy where you place units.  Only having them be destroyed on a 1 is very advantageous.  I think it is key to have something that can get behind the opponent and cause havoc.  Maybe they carry some AT busting guns or have some nice assault capabilities.  With my DE I like DSing some Heat Lance Scourge and blowing up that pesky Manticore or Doomsdy Ark that will be blowing me up all game.  They also pack a nice AI punch with 9 Posion shots.  With my BAO list, I have some Warp Spiders.  They are very multi-purpose in the sense that they can destroy almost any vehicle on side armor, pop flyers, and live to tell about it with their 3+ AS and their assault move.

Another key note is that these units can get you Linebreaker.  We all know the loses we've had by 1 point because of First Blood or Line Breaker or Slay the Warlord.  This helps with that.  Also, most people thier characters in the back of their units.  This allows you to shoot these characters and possibly break the squad.

4th Layer:  Target Saturation
This means different things to different people.  Some think it means flooding the field with units and when one gets destroyed you still have 2-3 of the same unit there to do the same thing.  I think this means to have units that are not expendable and multiple but also units you force your opponent to deal with.  If you shove two Maulerfiends backed with Spawn down the middle of the field, your opponent has 1 turn to deal with them before they hit your lines.  Those units will soak up fire power (the saturate part) and allow your fire support units to remain unscathed.  Forcing your opponents hand with things allows you to dictate the game on your terms instead of theirs.

5th Layer:  Fire Support
We should know by now that 6th Ed. is a shooty edition.  Is assault dead?  NO!  Did shooting get even better?  YES!  For any great army you need soem sort of firebase.  This can be as much as a coupel Lascannons to 30 Heavy Weapons teams.  However you need something.  You can't have an entire army just run right at you.  Even Nids are buying into Biovores as fire support.  Orks have Lootas.  Every army needs a fire base to pop armor or snipe chracters from afar.  If your army just runs at the opponent, see WWI.  It didn't work out for many of them, trust me.  having the ability to reach out even with one unit or two can mean the difference between winning and losing.

The best part is, these units can be annoying as hell to destroy now with the new cover rules.  REMEMBER Going to Ground in Area Terrain nets you a +2 to your cover save! This can make a normal Devastator squad essentially Terminators if they are sitting in Ruins.  a 2+ save is very annoying to get through!  Defense Lines also help with this!

So lets recap.  I believe a complete list needs to have all five of these layers in it to be a great and complete competitive list.  Are there lists that don't have all 5 but are competitive?  Yes.  Is this the know all of list building?  By no means. 

You need troops to capture objective, quarters, and to deny objectives.  They win you games!

You need some sort of Flyer defense.  Flyers are everywhere and to be unprepared or to hope you son't see any is a propostorous claim.  You will be eaten for lunch.

Some sort of Deepstrikers will put backfield pressure on your opponent while your fire support units whittle them down.  Units like Manticores or Long Fangs will feel the heat from these units.  Some opponents may even keep units back "just incase."

Target Saturation is a must have.  Having many units is good.  Forcing your opponent to deal with said units is better.  Forcing your opponents hand or making them change from their plan is key to winning.  many players come into games with pre-conceived notions on how to beat said army.  Throw a wrench into things and force him into doign something they may not want to do.

Having Fire Support units makes your army stronger.  A great firebase will net you kills and cause annoyance for your opponent.  They can also be a pain in the ass the uproot.

So try it out.  Let mek now your experiences!  More importantly, HAVE FUN!


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Turkey Day!

Today is the day to give thanks for everything we have!  I am grateful for my wonderful family and my great friends!

Hope everyone has a happy and wonderful Thanksgiving!


Monday, November 19, 2012

BAO Test Prep, List #1

So I have been wracking my brain on what I want to take to the Bay Ara Open in March.  I have over 3 months to prepare, but I need to paint my army.  I have maybe 10% painted.  So without further ado here is my first list that I want to test out.


x5 War, Blaster, Venom- 125
x5 War, Blaster, Venom- 125
x5 War, Blaster, Venom- 125
x10 War, Cannon- 100
x10 War, Lance- 115

Voidraven, x3 Shatterfields, Flicker- 185
Voidraven, x3 Shatterfields, Flicker- 185
Voidraven, x3 Shatterfields, Flicker- 185

Farseer, Runes, Fortune- 100
x3 Jetbikes- 66
x6 Warp Spiders, Exarch w/ x2 Spinners- 149
Nightspinner- 115

Defense Line, Comms Relay

So the Baron helps me by getting first turn, something I love having, even in objective games.  He can DS with the Spiders or give one of my Warrior squads a 3+ behind the Defense Line.  He will most likely be DSing down all the time.

For troops, I almost went with 4 Venoms, but I wanted to have more bodies on the field.  I also wanted to protect myself from Daemons and Drop Pods some what.  I can push the DSing units further out by creating a cushion with the 10 man Warrior units.  Also, people love killing Venoms, so that leaves 24 possible poison shots coming down on the unit that Deep Strikes down.

3 Voidravens to fight Airforces and create a alot of Havoc with their 3 missiles a piece.  I love Voidravens over the Razorwing for multiple reasons.  I am paying only 30 more points than I would with a Razorwing (a Flickfield I feel is mandatory so you dont have to jink).  I get +1 Armor, a Str. 9 AP 2 Small Blast bomb, I get 3 Str 7 reroll wound large blast missiles, and 2 Str 9 AP 2 Lances.  I just think it is so much better for only 30 points.  I dont like that Bolters can Glance my flyers down.  Voidravens dont have that problem.

With my Allies, I have Fortune to Fortune himself and swap between squads if need be.  He is mostly there for Runes and plans on hiding out of Line of Sight. 
The Jetbikes hang back in reserve to contest or control an objective at game's end. 

The Spiders DS in and disrupt the backfield.  They put out 14 Str 6 shots at good Ballistic Skill.  Also, the Baron will accompany them and make them more resilient.  They can destroy parking lots with ease, and destroy flyers.  They are a good all around the unit.

The Nightspinner is a rarely seen unit.  But this thing is insane.  I love it.  It can kill any tank in the game from anywhere on the field.  It messes up infantry and can Snipe out important models.  i think it can be a serious game changer.

Last but not least, the Defense line with the Comms Relay.  The Relay is there to ensure I get my Voidravens and Spiders in, and my Jetbikes out.  I cant afford to have a bad roll on my reserves.  I heavily rely on my Voidravens to deal some serious damage.  They will, but I need them on the table to do so.

Well there you have it.  A long analysis, but pretty complete.  I will field any questions anyone might have or comments you guys have on the list.



x5 War, Blaster, Venom- 125
x5 War, Blaster, Venom- 125
x5 War, Blaster, Venom- 125
x10 War, Cannon- 100
x10 War, Lance- 115

Voidraven, x3 Shatterfields, Flicker- 185
Voidraven, x3 Shatterfields, Flicker- 185
Voidraven, x3 Shatterfields, Flicker- 185

Farseer, Runes, Fortune- 100
x3 Jetbikes- 66
x6 Warp Spiders, Exarch w/ x2 Spinners- 149
Nightspinner- 115

Defense Line, Comms Relay

Read more:

x5 War, Blaster, Venom- 125
x5 War, Blaster, Venom- 125
x5 War, Blaster, Venom- 125
x10 War, Cannon- 100
x10 War, Lance- 115

Voidraven, x3 Shatterfields, Flicker- 185
Voidraven, x3 Shatterfields, Flicker- 185
Voidraven, x3 Shatterfields, Flicker- 185

Farseer, Runes, Fortune- 100
x3 Jetbikes- 66
x6 Warp Spiders, Exarch w/ x2 Spinners- 149
Nightspinner- 115

Defense Line, Comms Relay

Read more:

x5 War, Blaster, Venom- 125
x5 War, Blaster, Venom- 125
x5 War, Blaster, Venom- 125
x10 War, Cannon- 100
x10 War, Lance- 115

Voidraven, x3 Shatterfields, Flicker- 185
Voidraven, x3 Shatterfields, Flicker- 185
Voidraven, x3 Shatterfields, Flicker- 185

Farseer, Runes, Fortune- 100
x3 Jetbikes- 66
x6 Warp Spiders, Exarch w/ x2 Spinners- 149
Nightspinner- 115

Defense Line, Comms Relay

Read more:

Thursday, November 15, 2012


So this will be the first Blog Post here on Punisher's 40k.  I am Yeeman and I am part of the WH40k gaming group, The Sac City Punishers.  We are located in Sacramento, CA.  Our gaming store is Great Escape Games.

Our gaming group is dedicated to finding players who are interested in the game of 40k and helping them to become familar with the rules of 40k, possibly playing competitively, and of course, have FUN!  Sometimes the last one can be lost in the shuffle with players.  But isn't that why we play this game?  If you ask me, if you go to tournaments just for the prize support and to win, then you're playing the game for the wrong reasons.  This is a game.  Games are meant to be fun.  Is it fun to win? OF COURSE it is!  However, I think playing a challenging opponent and learning from your mistakes is much more fun than just curb stomping some newbie.

Alright alright alright, back on topic.  So I am hoping through this blog everyone that reads it will benefit from some of the commentary or tactics or army lists that are put out here.  I would much rather have this blog be about discussion rather than the "I am right, you are wrong and dumb and stupid and don't know anything."

Other SCP (Sac City Punishers) will post on here as well.... I hope. Battle reports will begin to stream in.  tactic articles will begin to arise.  I am hoping we can get some followers and start to drop some 40k knowledge on you!

So sit back and enjoy the ride!


-SCP Yeeman